Nkiru Emodi: The Creative Female Cobbler

It’s another beautiful Wednesday! Yaaaay! We haven’t done this in a while- -interviewing a lady walking in purpose, and achieving her dreams through efficient use of her talents. I’m so excited that we get to carry on that practice today!!!!!

So about a month ago, I stumbled on this inspiring young lady, Nkiru, on social media.  I was awestruck at her creativity,  passion and courage. I knew I had to interview her, and last week Monday, that became a reality!!!

So, sit back and get ready to soak in greatness! !!! I present to you, our Wonder Woman Wednesday (WWW)

May we meet you?

My names are Nkiru Emodi Iyabo. I am a Bsc. (HON) graduate (Accounting) from the University of Benin, Edo State, Benin City. I am a Lady Cobbler and the Creative Director of Home Of Theresa Wear (HOT Wears)

Nkiru displaying her works at a recent event in Lagos
Nkiru displaying her works at a recent event in Lagos

HOT wears. Can you tell us what it is about?

Home Of Theresa Wears (HOT Wears) is a foot wear brand that was established in September 2013 but officially came to limelight in May 2014 with the production of Bespoke Hand Made Foot Wear for Male and Female from 5years and above. This foot wear includes: Shoes, Slippers and Sandals etc. We use high quality and unique materials for production such as Real Leathers, Quality Suede and Unique Fabrics that suit our client(s). HOT also does Customization and Repairs.


How did you get to venture into what many would consider a man’s business?

I am a Lover of Foot Wear and a Freak for Quality Leathers. Aside that, it was very frustrating after school, it  was difficult and challenging for me to secure a job  and at the same time I did not want to stay idle so the thought of venturing into business came up although I wasn’t sure of the business to do.

I went on a business research and started asking questions but couldn’t find the answer to my problem. I had to ask myself some questions and the answer to the third question gave birth to HOT Wears. The question was : what do I spend my money on when it comes to getting things for myself? The answer was Leather Foot Wear, so I decided to go into buying and selling of Leather Foot Wear.

Now, not only did I not have a job I also did not have the capital to start up a business. I went out to meet people to talk to them about the idea of business I wanted to do, and also to ask for a loan. Majority turned me down and advised that I should get a job first, and work for some time before venturing into business. I finally met with a man who saw the business idea from a different perspective. The man who had been in the leather business for over 30 years said, I do not have fish (money) to give you, but if you are willing to learn how to fish, I will teach you’. I was so interested and ready to learn.

I went to enrol at a nearby cobbler’s shop that had been in the business for 22 years.  The first 3months were challenging and difficult because I went outside my comfort zone, I had bruises on my hands; my finger nails got broken; I got nauseated using chemical gums to work, at a point I wanted to stop but the advice of the elderly man encouraged me. My daily confession became ‘I can do this’.

As time went by I started discovering some hidden talents I never knew I had,  I never knew I could sketch, I saw myself doing things I normally would not do on a normal day, the passion and love for creating and designing foot wears grew. The first design I created was a sketch work by me I was super excited and that was how I started sketching before creating and designing foot wears. I fell so in love with creating and designing foot wears, and nothing could bring me out of it. If I had the offer of a white collar job at that time, I wouldn’t have accepted it, because I had found passion somewhere else. I derive so much joy and fulfilment from creating and designing foot wears.


What are the challenges you face in running HOT?

My Major challenges are CAPITAL AND RESOURCES and also machineries for work.

What do you think deters ladies from living up to their full potential and what’s your advice to them?

I think that fear cripples many ladies from living up to their full potentials. It may be fear of failure, fear of societal expectations, fear of the future etc.

My advice to all is- Never give up on your dreams, never give up on yourself. Don’t allow fear to rent a space in your mind without paying rent to occupy the space because everything you want and will ever need is on the other side of FEAR.  Be Courageous,  Be Determined and Stay Focused!

Thank you Nkiru for granting us this interview.

You are welcome.

Nkiru’s products can be viewed at the following social media platforms

Instagram : @hotwears

Twitter : @hotfootwears

Face book page : https:/m.facebook.com/HOT-Foot-Wears-782710265171150/

Contact : 08168362226(also used for what’s app)  and 08153946915

Email address : hotfootwears@gmail.com

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